Hi guys! It’s me, Gab and I’m back. The last time I wrote a blog post, I had recently started culinary school and was adjusting to the whirlwind of life balancing work, school and downtime. So much has happened since then… so much that we couldn’t have ever expected! Just when we were *this close* to finishing school, COVID-19 hit and we abruptly had to stop.

The silver lining of it all was going home to Phoenix, Arizona to spend time with family. Then, I got to visit North Dakota and Minnesota where you guys have seen that I’ve spent time with family every summer. I haven’t had time like this since I was in middle and high school! Quarantine provided the chance to just stop everything. Be with family. Cook with family. Be removed from the hustle and grind of typical New York City living and feel a different kind of energy.

I got back to New York City a few months ago and jumped back into the new normal of working from home and then going to school at night. Time has gone by so quickly and we now are our the fifth and final module of classes! While things are oh so very different being back at school with masks and gloves and shields and social distancing, I am feeling super nostalgic because we are almost done.
For basically one year, three times a week, I have been immersed in something completely new every single night with all the tools, gadgets, pots, pans and equipment I would ever need to explore. Pretty soon I am going to have the free time I’ve spent at school actually free again and am going to be responsible for furthering my own education beyond the curriculum of school!

In anticipation of that, I am feeling the creative energy again to get back experimenting in my own kitchen and share my voice right here on the blog! This space has been a part of my life for 10 years, and it’s most certainly not going anywhere. There’s nothing more valuable than a spot to cultivate and to share with you! That’s what I’m back to do and I hope you’ll come along with me.
Coming up on the blog, I look forward to sharing highlights from the past year of culinary school, new recipes and things that are inspiring me in the kitchen, classes I’m teaching on the Food Network Kitchen app, and what I’m experiencing in New York City. Amid all the uncertainty of 2020, I am finding so much comfort being back here writing again, and hope you can find inspiration, too.
Let’s cook together again, shall we?!